I Education

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WHAT IS MINECRAFT: EDUCATION EDITION? A game-based learning platform that promotes creativity, collaboration, and problem-solving in an immersive digital environment. Educators in more than 115 countries are using Minecraft: Education Edition across the curriculum!

Education definition is - the action or process of educating or of being educated; also: a stage of such a process. How to use education in a sentence. I really appreciate the educational offerings and the opportunity to get continuing education in one place. It's easy to access, very simple to navigate the site and easy to work through the programs. Beth C.-K., DNP, CRNP, FNP-BC, RN, CCM, Pennsylvania, Member since 2016. Education is both the act of teaching knowledge to others and the act of receiving knowledge from someone else. Education also refers to the knowledge received through schooling or instruction and to the institution of teaching as a whole. Education has a few other senses as a noun. Education Department Letter Highlights Effort to Help Americans Pursue Higher Ed During Pandemic U.S. Department of Education Announces Biden-Harris Appointees At the Request of President Biden, Acting Secretary of Education Will Extend Pause on Federal Student Loan Payments.

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2. Serving to educate; instructive: an educational film.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


(ˌɛdjʊˈkeɪʃənəl) adj
1. providing knowledge; instructive or informative: an educational toy.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˌɛdʒ ʊˈkeɪ ʃə nl)
2. tending or intended to educate, instruct, or inform: educational television.
Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 K Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.
Adj.1.educational - relating to the process of education; 'educational psychology'
2.educational - providing knowledge; 'an educational film'
instructive, informative - serving to instruct or enlighten or inform
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.


1.academic, school, learning, teaching, scholastic, pedagogical, pedagogicthe British educational system
2.instructive, useful, cultural, illuminating, enlightening, informative, instructional, didactic, edifying, educative, heuristicThe kids had an enjoyable and educational day.
Collins Thesaurus of the English Language – Complete and Unabridged 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002
I education apps review


adjectiveServing to educate or inform:
edifying, educative, enlightening, illuminative, informative, instructional, instructive.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (= instructive) [film, book, toy, visit] → educativo, instructivo; [role] → docente; [function] → docente, educativo; [event, experience] → educativo
2. (= relating to education) [system] → educativo, de enseñanza; [needs, opportunities, supplies, material] → educativo; [establishment, institution] → docente, de enseñanza; [achievement, qualification] → académico; [standards] → de educación; [policy] → educacional, relativoa laeducación; [methods] → educativo, de educación; [theory] → pedagógico
falling educational standardsestándaresmpl de educacióncada vez másbajos
B.CPDeducational adviserN (Brit) (Scol, Admin) → consejero/a m/f de enseñanza
educational psychologistNpsicopedagogo/a m/f
educational psychologyNpsicopedagogíaf
educational technologyNtecnologíafeducativa
educational televisionNtelevisiónfeducativa
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[system] → éducatif/ive; [institution] → d'enseignement; [standards] → de l'enseignement; [background] → scolaire; [game, toy] → éducatif/ive
educational opportunities → possibilitéf de faire des études
[method, theory] → pédagogiquespecial educational needs, educational technology
(= useful) [experience, day] → instructif/ive
It was very educational → C'était trèsinstructif.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= academic)needserzieherisch; (at school level) needs, achievementschulisch; educational system(= institutions)Bildungswesennt; (= structure)Bildungssystemnt; educational opportunitiesAusbildungschancenpl; educational institution or establishmentBildungsanstaltf; educational standards (in schools) → Unterrichtsniveaunt; (of country)Bildungsniveaunt; educational qualification(Ausbildungs)abschlussm
(= teaching)issuepädagogisch; educational theoryPädagogikf, → Unterrichtstheorief; educational method or methodologyErziehungsmethodef; educational suppliesUnterrichtsmaterialnt
(= educative, instructive)experience, videolehrreich; day alsoinformativ; educational trip(= school trip)Klassenfahrtf; (for adults) → Bildungsreisef; educational leaveBildungsurlaubm; educational filmLehrfilmm; educational bookLehrbuchnt; (for schools) → Schulbuchnt; educational experience → ; educational toy → ; educational gameLernspielnt; educational materialLehrmittelpl


educational park
educational psychologist
educational psychology
educational publisher
educational television
nSchulfernsehennt; (for adults) → Bildungssendungenpl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌɛdjʊˈkeɪʃənl]adj (establishment, institution) → scolastico/a; (methods) → didattico/a, d'insegnamento
I Education
; (system) → pedagogico/a; (film, visit, role) → educativo/a; (experience, event) → istruttivo/a
educational technology → tecnologiefplapplicate alla didattica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈedjukeit) verb
to train and teach. He was educated at a private school. opvoed, onderwys يُثَقِّف، يُعَلِّم، يُهَذِب обучавам educar vzdělávat erziehen uddanne; undervise εκπαιδεύω, μορφώνωeducar, formar koolitama آموزش دادن؛ تربیت کردن kouluttaa faire faire ses études à, éduquer לְלָמֵד, לְחָנֵך शिक्षा प्रदान करना obrazovati oktat mendidik mennta(st) istruire 教育する 교육하다 lavinti, mokyti audzināt; izglītot belajar opleidenutdanne, undervisekształcić روزل، ښوول، تر بيه كول educar a educa, a instrui давать образование vzdelávať šolati (se) obrazovati utbilda เรียน; ศึกษา eğitmek 教育 виховувати; давати освіту تعلیم مہیا کرنا giáo dục 教育
ˌeduˈcation noun
instruction and teaching, especially of children and young people in schools, universities etc. His lack of education prevented him from getting a good job. opvoeding, opleiding تَعْليم، ثَقافَه обучение educação vzdělání die Erziehung, die Ausbildung uddannelse; undervisning εκπαίδευση, παιδείαeducación koolitus آموزش؛ تحصیلات koulutus étudesחינוך शिक्षा obrazovanje nevelés, oktatás pendidikan menntun, fræðsla istruzione 教育 교육 (išsi)lavinimas, mokymas(is), švietimas audzināšana; izglītība pendidikan onderwijsutdanning, undervisning, opplæringwykształcenie (معارف) دښوونې او رو زني علم، تعليم، زده كړه educação edu­caţie, studii образование vzdelanie izobrazba obrazovanje utbildning การศึกษา eğitim 教育 виховання; освіта تعلیم sự giáo dục 教育
ˌeduˈcational adjective
1. of education. educational methods. opvoedkundig تَعْليمي предагогически educacional vzdělávací erzieherisch uddannelses-; undervisnings- εκπαιδευτικός, μορφωτικόςeducacional, docente kasvatus-, õpetus- آموزشی koulutuksellinen pédagogiqueחינוכי शैक्षि, शिक्षा संबंधी obrazovni nevelési; tan- mengenai pendidikan fræðslu-, mennta- istruttivo, educativo 教育上の 교육상의 mokomasis, mokymo, pedagoginis izglītības-; audzināšanas-; pedagoģisks pelajaran onderwijs-oppdragelses-, utdannings-, pedagogiskedukacyjny تعليمى، دزده كړى educacional pedagogic воспитательный vzdelávací izobraževalen obrazovni utbildnings-, undervisnings- เกี่ยวกับการศึกษา eğitimsel 教育的 освітній; виховний تعلیمی thuộc giáo dục 教育的
2. providing information. Our visit to the zoo was educational as well as enjoyable. inlig تَثْقيفي образователен educativo poučný belehrend lærerig; oplysende εκπαιδευτικός, επιμορφωτικός educativo hariv آموزشی opettavainen éducatif מְלָמֵד शिक्षा संबंधी सूचनाएं poučan ismeretterjesztő mengandung pendidikan fræðandi educativo 教育的な 교육적인 mokomasis, auklėjamasis izglītojošs memberi pelajaran leerzaamlærerikpouczający دزده كړى educativo edu­cativ познавательный poučný poučen obrazovni bildande การให้ข้อมูลความรู้ eğitici 有教育意義的 навчальний معلومات فراہم کرنے والا có tính giáo dục 有教育意义的
ˌeduˈcation(al)ist noun
an expert in methods of educating. opvoedkundige إخْتِصاصي في التَّرْبِيَه، مُرَبٍّ педагог educador pedagog, -žka der Pädagoge, die Pädagogin pædagog; lærer παιδαγωγόςpedagogo kasvatusteadlane کارشناس آموزش و پرورش kasvatustieteilijä pédagogueמחנך शिक्षाविद्, शिक्षाशास्त्री pedagog pedagógus ahli pendidikan uppeldisfræðingur educatore 教育学者 교육가 pedagogas pedagoģijas metodoloģijas speciālists kaedah pembelajaran onderwijsdeskundige pedagog pedagog د پانه او روزنه کار پوهه educador pedagog педагог-методист pedagóg, -ička pedagog pedagog pedagog ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการศึกษา eğitimci, eğitim uzmanı 教育家 педагог-теоретик; освітянин ماہر تعلیمات nhà giáo dục 教育家
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَعْلِيميّ vzdělávací undervisnings-pädagogischεκπαιδευτικόςeducativo opettavainenéducatif obrazovnididattico 教育の 교육의onderwijs-undervisnings-
I-education hong kong
educativoобразовательный pedagogisk ที่เกี่ยวกับการเรียนการสอนeğitimsel có tính giáo dục有教育意义的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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Personalize your digital classroom.

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For teachers and students at K-12 schools, universities, or educational institutions using video messaging for classroom work.


To get started, first set up a free account with your school email.


Now you need to get verified. It takes a few days to process your application.

Get advanced features

Workspace Features

I Education Group

  • Unlimited videos

  • Up to 45 min video recording length

  • 1 Creator

  • Unlimited Viewers

  • Personal Library

  • Shared Library

  • Team Library

  • Folders

  • Search

Recording Features

  • HD video

  • Screen & cam recording

  • Drawing tool & mouse emphasis

  • Custom recording dimensions

  • System audio

  • Calls-to-action

  • Emoji reactions

  • Viewer Insights

  • Password protect videos

Record your first video

1. Set up your recorder

Choose between the Desktop App or Chrome Extension. The Desktop App has some additional features, but both will produce a great result. We also have an iPhone/iPad app if you're recording on the go.

2. Record your first video

Choose your capture mode:
Screen + cam: make your screen recording personal
Cam only: record just your face
Screen only: record your screen with audio only

Share your video

4. Who can I share it with?

Key Steps to Record Successfully with Loom

  • Strong upload speed (at least 5mbps) ensures successful video processing.

  • Update to the latest version of the Desktop App and Chrome Extension.

Loom Virtual Classroom

Features to help teachers and students communicate easily through video

  • Record your lesson

    Pull up your class content onto your preferred presentation page (Google Slides or Powerpoint). Then launch the Loom recorder.

    See How

  • Annotate your screen (Desktop App only)

    Loom's drawing tool is a great way to provide feedback and make quick markings on your screen as you narrate. Markings will disappear after a few seconds to keep your screen clutter-free.

    See How

  • Flip your camera

    Make sure handwritten or printed text displays the right way around in your webcam recordings.

    Desktop App
    Open the recording menu, click on the three little dots in the upper corner, click on Preferences, toggle on or off the Flip Camera option for your desired effect.

    Chrome Extension
    Open the recording menu, click on Show Advanced Options, check or uncheck the Flip Camera option for your desired effect.

    See How

How are teachers using Loom?

See what teachers and students are saying about Loom

  • Mrs. C

    Teacher friends!! If you are not using @loom to create videos, you should start! Super easy and a good way for kiddos to see you and your screen if need be! #risdprek #flaleads #learningathome

  • Kara Kalra

    Our 3rd-grade team is using @loom to continue read-aloud to our classes, help parents navigate our online platforms, and to teach mini-lessons. It has been a lifesaver!

  • Jim Harshaw Jr

    Teachers: This is one of the COOLEST and most USEFUL tools for teaching remotely. Ridiculously easy and immensely practical for this exact situation. Oh, and it's now FREE for you! Thanks @loom!

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Frequently Asked Questions

Who can view my video?

Only people who you share your video link with can see your video. Loom does not have access to view your videos and your videos are not searchable in online search engines, unless you enable that option.



adjectiveServing to educate or inform:
edifying, educative, enlightening, illuminative, informative, instructional, instructive.
The American Heritage® Roget's Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


1. (= instructive) [film, book, toy, visit] → educativo, instructivo; [role] → docente; [function] → docente, educativo; [event, experience] → educativo
2. (= relating to education) [system] → educativo, de enseñanza; [needs, opportunities, supplies, material] → educativo; [establishment, institution] → docente, de enseñanza; [achievement, qualification] → académico; [standards] → de educación; [policy] → educacional, relativoa laeducación; [methods] → educativo, de educación; [theory] → pedagógico
falling educational standardsestándaresmpl de educacióncada vez másbajos
B.CPDeducational adviserN (Brit) (Scol, Admin) → consejero/a m/f de enseñanza
educational psychologistNpsicopedagogo/a m/f
educational psychologyNpsicopedagogíaf
educational technologyNtecnologíafeducativa
educational televisionNtelevisiónfeducativa
Collins Spanish Dictionary - Complete and Unabridged 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005


[system] → éducatif/ive; [institution] → d'enseignement; [standards] → de l'enseignement; [background] → scolaire; [game, toy] → éducatif/ive
educational opportunities → possibilitéf de faire des études
[method, theory] → pédagogiquespecial educational needs, educational technology
(= useful) [experience, day] → instructif/ive
It was very educational → C'était trèsinstructif.
Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


(= academic)needserzieherisch; (at school level) needs, achievementschulisch; educational system(= institutions)Bildungswesennt; (= structure)Bildungssystemnt; educational opportunitiesAusbildungschancenpl; educational institution or establishmentBildungsanstaltf; educational standards (in schools) → Unterrichtsniveaunt; (of country)Bildungsniveaunt; educational qualification(Ausbildungs)abschlussm
(= teaching)issuepädagogisch; educational theoryPädagogikf, → Unterrichtstheorief; educational method or methodologyErziehungsmethodef; educational suppliesUnterrichtsmaterialnt
(= educative, instructive)experience, videolehrreich; day alsoinformativ; educational trip(= school trip)Klassenfahrtf; (for adults) → Bildungsreisef; educational leaveBildungsurlaubm; educational filmLehrfilmm; educational bookLehrbuchnt; (for schools) → Schulbuchnt; educational experience → ; educational toy → ; educational gameLernspielnt; educational materialLehrmittelpl


educational park
educational psychologist
educational psychology
educational publisher
educational television
nSchulfernsehennt; (for adults) → Bildungssendungenpl
Collins German Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged 7th Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007


[ˌɛdjʊˈkeɪʃənl]adj (establishment, institution) → scolastico/a; (methods) → didattico/a, d'insegnamento; (system) → pedagogico/a; (film, visit, role) → educativo/a; (experience, event) → istruttivo/a
educational technology → tecnologiefplapplicate alla didattica
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈedjukeit) verb
to train and teach. He was educated at a private school. opvoed, onderwys يُثَقِّف، يُعَلِّم، يُهَذِب обучавам educar vzdělávat erziehen uddanne; undervise εκπαιδεύω, μορφώνωeducar, formar koolitama آموزش دادن؛ تربیت کردن kouluttaa faire faire ses études à, éduquer לְלָמֵד, לְחָנֵך शिक्षा प्रदान करना obrazovati oktat mendidik mennta(st) istruire 教育する 교육하다 lavinti, mokyti audzināt; izglītot belajar opleidenutdanne, undervisekształcić روزل، ښوول، تر بيه كول educar a educa, a instrui давать образование vzdelávať šolati (se) obrazovati utbilda เรียน; ศึกษา eğitmek 教育 виховувати; давати освіту تعلیم مہیا کرنا giáo dục 教育
ˌeduˈcation noun
instruction and teaching, especially of children and young people in schools, universities etc. His lack of education prevented him from getting a good job. opvoeding, opleiding تَعْليم، ثَقافَه обучение educação vzdělání die Erziehung, die Ausbildung uddannelse; undervisning εκπαίδευση, παιδείαeducación koolitus آموزش؛ تحصیلات koulutus étudesחינוך शिक्षा obrazovanje nevelés, oktatás pendidikan menntun, fræðsla istruzione 教育 교육 (išsi)lavinimas, mokymas(is), švietimas audzināšana; izglītība pendidikan onderwijsutdanning, undervisning, opplæringwykształcenie (معارف) دښوونې او رو زني علم، تعليم، زده كړه educação edu­caţie, studii образование vzdelanie izobrazba obrazovanje utbildning การศึกษา eğitim 教育 виховання; освіта تعلیم sự giáo dục 教育
ˌeduˈcational adjective
1. of education. educational methods. opvoedkundig تَعْليمي предагогически educacional vzdělávací erzieherisch uddannelses-; undervisnings- εκπαιδευτικός, μορφωτικόςeducacional, docente kasvatus-, õpetus- آموزشی koulutuksellinen pédagogiqueחינוכי शैक्षि, शिक्षा संबंधी obrazovni nevelési; tan- mengenai pendidikan fræðslu-, mennta- istruttivo, educativo 教育上の 교육상의 mokomasis, mokymo, pedagoginis izglītības-; audzināšanas-; pedagoģisks pelajaran onderwijs-oppdragelses-, utdannings-, pedagogiskedukacyjny تعليمى، دزده كړى educacional pedagogic воспитательный vzdelávací izobraževalen obrazovni utbildnings-, undervisnings- เกี่ยวกับการศึกษา eğitimsel 教育的 освітній; виховний تعلیمی thuộc giáo dục 教育的
2. providing information. Our visit to the zoo was educational as well as enjoyable. inlig تَثْقيفي образователен educativo poučný belehrend lærerig; oplysende εκπαιδευτικός, επιμορφωτικός educativo hariv آموزشی opettavainen éducatif מְלָמֵד शिक्षा संबंधी सूचनाएं poučan ismeretterjesztő mengandung pendidikan fræðandi educativo 教育的な 교육적인 mokomasis, auklėjamasis izglītojošs memberi pelajaran leerzaamlærerikpouczający دزده كړى educativo edu­cativ познавательный poučný poučen obrazovni bildande การให้ข้อมูลความรู้ eğitici 有教育意義的 навчальний معلومات فراہم کرنے والا có tính giáo dục 有教育意义的
ˌeduˈcation(al)ist noun
an expert in methods of educating. opvoedkundige إخْتِصاصي في التَّرْبِيَه، مُرَبٍّ педагог educador pedagog, -žka der Pädagoge, die Pädagogin pædagog; lærer παιδαγωγόςpedagogo kasvatusteadlane کارشناس آموزش و پرورش kasvatustieteilijä pédagogueמחנך शिक्षाविद्, शिक्षाशास्त्री pedagog pedagógus ahli pendidikan uppeldisfræðingur educatore 教育学者 교육가 pedagogas pedagoģijas metodoloģijas speciālists kaedah pembelajaran onderwijsdeskundige pedagog pedagog د پانه او روزنه کار پوهه educador pedagog педагог-методист pedagóg, -ička pedagog pedagog pedagog ผู้เชี่ยวชาญด้านการศึกษา eğitimci, eğitim uzmanı 教育家 педагог-теоретик; освітянин ماہر تعلیمات nhà giáo dục 教育家
Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


تَعْلِيميّ vzdělávací undervisnings-pädagogischεκπαιδευτικόςeducativo opettavainenéducatif obrazovnididattico 教育の 교육의onderwijs-undervisnings-edukacyjnyeducativoобразовательный pedagogisk ที่เกี่ยวกับการเรียนการสอนeğitimsel có tính giáo dục有教育意义的
Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

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Personalize your digital classroom.

Apply today, it's free

For teachers and students at K-12 schools, universities, or educational institutions using video messaging for classroom work.


To get started, first set up a free account with your school email.


Now you need to get verified. It takes a few days to process your application.

Get advanced features

Workspace Features

I Education Group

  • Unlimited videos

  • Up to 45 min video recording length

  • 1 Creator

  • Unlimited Viewers

  • Personal Library

  • Shared Library

  • Team Library

  • Folders

  • Search

Recording Features

  • HD video

  • Screen & cam recording

  • Drawing tool & mouse emphasis

  • Custom recording dimensions

  • System audio

  • Calls-to-action

  • Emoji reactions

  • Viewer Insights

  • Password protect videos

Record your first video

1. Set up your recorder

Choose between the Desktop App or Chrome Extension. The Desktop App has some additional features, but both will produce a great result. We also have an iPhone/iPad app if you're recording on the go.

2. Record your first video

Choose your capture mode:
Screen + cam: make your screen recording personal
Cam only: record just your face
Screen only: record your screen with audio only

Share your video

4. Who can I share it with?

Key Steps to Record Successfully with Loom

  • Strong upload speed (at least 5mbps) ensures successful video processing.

  • Update to the latest version of the Desktop App and Chrome Extension.

Loom Virtual Classroom

Features to help teachers and students communicate easily through video

  • Record your lesson

    Pull up your class content onto your preferred presentation page (Google Slides or Powerpoint). Then launch the Loom recorder.

    See How

  • Annotate your screen (Desktop App only)

    Loom's drawing tool is a great way to provide feedback and make quick markings on your screen as you narrate. Markings will disappear after a few seconds to keep your screen clutter-free.

    See How

  • Flip your camera

    Make sure handwritten or printed text displays the right way around in your webcam recordings.

    Desktop App
    Open the recording menu, click on the three little dots in the upper corner, click on Preferences, toggle on or off the Flip Camera option for your desired effect.

    Chrome Extension
    Open the recording menu, click on Show Advanced Options, check or uncheck the Flip Camera option for your desired effect.

    See How

How are teachers using Loom?

See what teachers and students are saying about Loom

  • Mrs. C

    Teacher friends!! If you are not using @loom to create videos, you should start! Super easy and a good way for kiddos to see you and your screen if need be! #risdprek #flaleads #learningathome

  • Kara Kalra

    Our 3rd-grade team is using @loom to continue read-aloud to our classes, help parents navigate our online platforms, and to teach mini-lessons. It has been a lifesaver!

  • Jim Harshaw Jr

    Teachers: This is one of the COOLEST and most USEFUL tools for teaching remotely. Ridiculously easy and immensely practical for this exact situation. Oh, and it's now FREE for you! Thanks @loom!

🔒 Your Privacy Matters

Loom complies with COPPA, FERPA, and GDPR. Learn more

Frequently Asked Questions

Who can view my video?

Only people who you share your video link with can see your video. Loom does not have access to view your videos and your videos are not searchable in online search engines, unless you enable that option.

If you'd like to add an extra layer of security you can password protect your videos: here's how to do that. If you'd like to read more about how deeply the creators of Loom value your security and privacy please take a look ​at the following help article.

How do I see who viewed my video?

To identify who watched your video, they will need to have a Loom account and be logged in while watching. Otherwise, it'll show up as an Anonymous view. Learn more here.

I'm experiencing audio/camera issues. What do I do?

Follow the steps in this article here.

How can I disable comments or emojis if being used inappropriately?

To prevent students from emoji reacting and leaving comments on your videos, you can turn this off from your video settings. This article will show you how.

Help, I can't find my videos!

This can happen when you're logged into different accounts between the desktop app and browser version of Loom. To fix this, log out of both then back into your preferred account.

I Education

How do I put my video on my education platform?

Although we don't integrate natively with other education programs you might use such as Google Classroom or Seasaw, you can download your Loom video, then upload it into these sites. Here's how.

Can I have more than one Creator on the Education plan?

Loom for Education is limited to a single Creator within a Workspace. Please note that when you first sign up for an account with Loom while waiting to be verified, you will be placed on a Loom Business 14-Day Free Trial. During the trial, you will be able to add additional Creators, but as soon as you are verified and upgraded into the Loom for Education plan, the other Creators will be downgraded to Viewers.

More than 7 million people across 90,000 companies choose Loom


Loom works wherever you do.

I Educational Institute

For Mac, Windows and iOS

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